Lazy load the new inlined code intel APIs
Created by: philipp-spiess
Based on feedback from this Slack thread.
The inlining of the code intel APIs caused the legacy code intel extension to be completely inlined into the main JavaScript module. Since we do not need it for a first page load (we only need the APIs once we detect the first hover), it makes sense that all APIs are lazily loaded.
I made the split inside the createNoopLoadedController
which already supported a lazily loaded API. This file no longer has a hard dependency on any file in the codeintel
Note: I used git mv
to make sure that the rename would properly be added to version control but it seems like the git diff still shows this as a deletion and addition
Test plan
- Tests must pass and show a reduction of main JS bundle size.
- I manually loaded it and verified that code intel still works
App preview:
Check out the client app preview documentation to learn more.