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[SG-35261]Accessibility: Upload/Index timeline images have no semantics/context

Administrator requested to merge contractors/SG-35261 into main

Created by: gitstart-sourcegraph

Audit type

Screen reader navigation

User journey audit issue

#33513, #33512


Sourcegraph Issue GitStart Issue

Problem description

Each of the timeline images is announced as just "image", with the state being conveyed by the image not spoken by the screen reader. timeline

Timelines with failed steps dont clearly announce the state of any individual step either, making it unclear which step failed timelinefailed

Expected behavior

We are undecided on whether it would be better to skip the images and update the text to announce the step state, or announce the state in the image.

Test Plan

  • Ensure that we announce the state in the text and skip the image.
  • You can use this url or find other places where the uploads are rendered.

App preview:

Check out the client app preview documentation to learn more.

Merge request reports
