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Wildcard Tabs: support longTabList property to make it scrollable

Administrator requested to merge og/tabs-scroll into main

Created by: oleggromov


Based on @eseliger's report, Tab List (toggles) may contain too many elements that are wrapped onto a new line, which isn't what's sometimes expected - and doesn't look good too.

Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 13 46 11


Add a longTabList property with two possible values - wrap (default) and scroll, which toggles native horizontal scrolling for long tab lists.

Scroll bar size issues

The scroll bar is fairly thick and blocks access to content. @AlicjaSuska wdyt we should do with that? I can try customizing its height, although it won't be "standard" anymore, or maybe increasing padding so that tab bottom borders aren't obscured by the scroll bar.

Test plan

  1. Check out the branch
  2. Open storybook yarn storybook:wildcard
  3. Check that tabs behave as described

App preview:

Check out the client app preview documentation to learn more.

Merge request reports
