dev/internal: create team package
Created by: bobheadxi
Extracts teammate data resolving out of buildchecker
into a separate package, and extends it significantly such that it can also replace the teammate querying in sg teammate
❯ go run . teammate handbook jh
Opening handbook link for JH Chabran:
❯ go run . teammate time jh
JH Chabran's current time is 13 Jan 22 02:11 CET (1h from your local time)
For - this will give us an API we can use for generating direct message notifications in the pipeline.
Package usage:
import ""
func main() {
// ...
// Neither a GitHub client nor a Slack client is required, but each enables more ways
// to query for users and/or get additional metadata about a user.
teammates := team.NewTeammateResolver(githubClient, slackClient)
tm, _ := teammates.ResolveByName(ctx, "Robert")
// etc.