all: remove Go parameter names for func defs
Created by: rvantonder
This PR is just a proposal for discussion:
How do people feel about function definition style like:
type foo func(name type)
versus just
type foo func(type)
I think I prefer the latter, but out of habit tend to write the former. The name usually doesn't add much to the signature (like ctx context.Context ok lol), and when I go back to my code and see what I did I tend to "fix it" and delete name.
More examples in our code base where the name can go away:
This PR removes all unneeded param names in function type signatures.
comby \
'type :[[w]] func(:[[x]] :[y:e])' \
'type :[w] func(:[y:e])' \
'' \
-rg "-g '*.go'" -stats -i