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Update browser extension icon state on private repositories

Administrator requested to merge update-icon-state-on-private-repo into main

Created by: marekweb


Make browser extension show the alert icon when the user is looking at a private repository. This invites the user to open the options popup, where a message is displayed that indicates the steps to take to use the browser extension on private repositories.


Update observeBrowserActionState to emit active-with-alert when the currently active tab is open on a private repository (when the extension is not disabled.) The emitted values of this observable are used to update the icon.

Adds two observables to the background page:

  • observeCurrentTabId() emits the current active tab id
  • observeCurrentTabPrivateRepository() emits a boolean flag indicating whether the current active tab contains a private repository.

Also adds a subject that emits the background page's cache of which tabs are open on a private repository: privateRepositoryCacheSubject

Now, instead of updating the tabPrivateRepositoryCache (a Map<number, boolean>) directly when a private repository is detected, the background page calls setTabIsPrivateRepository so that the change can be emitted through the subject.

Closes #14867

Merge request reports
