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Validate first param is within an acceptable range

Administrator requested to merge es/first-param-range-validation into main

Created by: eseliger

  • Forbids negative values as they cause DB errors
  • Forbids large values, because API consumers should be using pagination to retrieve giant amounts of results. In the frontend, we always request 15 at a time, since on average screens, you wouldn't fit more anyways.
  • Currently loosens the constraint for changesets, as we don't yet have a good solution to otherwise detect change in the frontend and update the changeset nodes as they're being processed.

This should help us prevent overloading the frontend instance (and perhaps other services, that we reach out N+1 times to).

Closes #13369

Question: What is the magic number we want to set here? 100 1000? The UI only needs 15, but going way below 1000 seems very restrictive.

Merge request reports
