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Insights/map type query builder

Warren Gifford requested to merge insights/map-type-query-builder into main

Created by: coury-clark

This adds functionality such that any insight serires with a groupBy will be treated as a compute query, and will convert the regexp in the content of the query to a valid output.extra compute query.


Input insights query lang:go func(.*) group by repo

Will convert to lang:go output.extra(func(.*) -> $repo)

Test plan

Record in insight_series:

id series_id query created_at oldest_historical_at last_recorded_at next_recording_after deleted_at backfill_queued_at last_snapshot_at next_snapshot_after repositories sample_interval_unit sample_interval_value generated_from_capture_groups generation_method just_in_time num_repos_at_backfill group_by backfill_attempts
9 27keWBK8rY1DpefN0gUvgDtkd2Q historical lang:go 2022-04-13 16:48:59.842378 2021-10-13 16:48:59.842380 0001-01-01 00:00:00.000000 2022-07-13 16:48:59.842379 NULL 2022-06-30 13:47:06.000000 2022-07-05 19:56:16.709733 2022-07-06 00:00:00.000000 {} MONTH 1 true mapping-compute false 1 lang 0

Generate a snapshot by setting the next_snapshot_after field to a previous date.

Here is the generated job:

id series_id search_query state failure_message started_at finished_at process_after num_resets num_failures execution_logs record_time worker_hostname last_heartbeat_at priority cost persist_mode queued_at
7857 27keWBK8rY1DpefN0gUvgDtkd2Q fork:yes archived:yes lang:go count:99999999 repo:^(github\.com/sourcegraph/sourcegraph)$ content:output.extra(historical -> $lang) completed NULL 2022-07-05 16:42:47.385135 +00:00 2022-07-05 16:42:47.527202 +00:00 NULL 0 0 NULL NULL Courys-MacBook-Pro.local 2022-07-05 16:42:47.385135 +00:00 10 500 snapshot 2022-06-30 21:15:22.211132 +00:00

Example job after changing the group field

id series_id search_query state failure_message started_at finished_at process_after num_resets num_failures execution_logs record_time worker_hostname last_heartbeat_at priority cost persist_mode queued_at
7931 27keWBK8rY1DpefN0gUvgDtkd2Q fork:yes archived:yes lang:go count:99999999 repo:^(github\.com/sourcegraph/sourcegraph)$ content:output.extra(historical -> $path) completed NULL 2022-07-05 20:01:59.780500 +00:00 2022-07-05 20:02:04.678393 +00:00 NULL 0 0 NULL NULL Courys-MacBook-Pro.local 2022-07-05 20:01:59.780500 +00:00 10 500 snapshot 2022-07-05 20:01:59.935622 +00:00

Merge request reports
