Update cadvisor base image
Created by: andreeleuterio
cadvisor has a few open CVEs that don't directly affect us but are quick to get rid of. I used the last cadvisor image that doesn't have a test
tag. I built the new image locally and trivy found no CVEs:
trivy image --severity "HIGH,CRITICAL" andre/cadvisor-test
2022-05-20T11:27:03.578-0300 INFO Detected OS: alpine
2022-05-20T11:27:03.578-0300 INFO Detecting Alpine vulnerabilities...
2022-05-20T11:27:03.579-0300 INFO Number of language-specific files: 0
andre/cadvisor-test (alpine 3.15.4)
Total: 0 (HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)
Test plan
I'm trusting CI checks. If any further testing is necessary let me know.