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Tracing: fix span tagging and add LazyFields

Warren Gifford requested to merge cc/tracing-improvements into main

Created by: camdencheek

This adds a couple things to our trace package to fix some issues I was running into when trying to expand our instrumentation coverage in the search package.

First, it adds a LazyFields function, which is like log.Lazy except it takes a function that generates a set of fields to log. This is convenient when you have a set of potentially-expensive-to-generate fields that you want to log, or also if you have self-describing objects (such as the example CommitSearch.Tags() method).

Second, it adds spanTagEncoder. This is a bug fix. opentracing.Span.SetTags only accepts numeric types, strings, and bools, so when we would try to set a tag to an object type or a lazy field, it would just set a tag with the memory address of that object.

Proof that it works: Screen Shot 2022-02-01 at 15 52 30

Super not sure who to tag on this, so 👋 backend devs!

Merge request reports
