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search: Add union merge autogold tests

Warren Gifford requested to merge cc/union-merge-autogold into main

Created by: camdencheek

Creating this as a draft PR because the autogold tests are really slow. @slimsag, do you have any idea why these tests are taking >1s? Weirdly enough, two of the tests are logged as 0.0s, but I don't see any clear pattern as to why.

❯ go clean -testcache && go test ./cmd/frontend/graphqlbackend -run UnionMerge -v
=== RUN   TestUnionMerge
=== RUN   TestUnionMerge/#00
=== RUN   TestUnionMerge/#01
=== RUN   TestUnionMerge/#02
=== RUN   TestUnionMerge/#03
=== RUN   TestUnionMerge/#04
=== RUN   TestUnionMerge/#05
--- PASS: TestUnionMerge (7.33s)
    --- PASS: TestUnionMerge/#00 (1.64s)
    --- PASS: TestUnionMerge/#01 (1.32s)
    --- PASS: TestUnionMerge/#02 (2.88s)
    --- PASS: TestUnionMerge/#03 (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestUnionMerge/#04 (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestUnionMerge/#05 (1.49s)
ok  7.397s

Merge request reports
