a8n/core: Expose CI status on changesets
Created by: eseliger
A customer asked for mirroring the CI status on the changeset list. This will probably require a webhook of some sort on the supported codehosts.
Proposed schema change
enum CIState {
PENDING # this can probably be mapped to the "awaiting" as well as "running" state of github as well
type ExternalChangeset {
ciState: CIState!
Current Status:
This issue has ended up being a lot bigger than originally estimated as it consists of the following parts:
Fetch GitHub commit / context status -
Fetch GitHub CheckSuite status -
Fetch GitHub CheckRun status -
Handle GitHub webhooks for commit status -
Handle GitHub webhooks for CheckSuite -
Handle GitHub webhooks for CheckRun -
Fetch BitBucket build status -
Set up CI somewhere to testAdd status using API
Handle BitBucket build status webhook