Go-to-GitHub icon on files should take you to branch rev, not SHA rev
Created by: nicksnyder
Reported by @sqs
- Go to https://sourcegraph.sgdev.org/github.com/sourcegraph/docs-private/-/blob/201809/private-cxp-registry.md
- As a user I want to edit the file, so I click the GitHub icon in the header and it takes me to https://github.com/sourcegraph/docs-private/blob/HEAD/201809/private-cxp-registry.md#L27
Actual: once on GitHub, I need to switch to the master
branch in the GitHub rev switcher to be able to click the "Edit" icon to edit the file
Expected/desired: clicking the GitHub icon in step 2 should take me to https://github.com/sourcegraph/docs-private/blob/master/201809/private-cxp-registry.md so I can edit the file directly
Our current behavior (of mapping "no rev in Sourcegraph URL" to "HEAD on GitHub") is not definitively incorrect but it is very rarely the expected/desired behavior.