add list of team members page to handbook
Created by: sqs
Several teammates have asked for our website to list all Sourcegraph teammates (not just me and Beyang as at
I've started the list here with me and Beyang because we already had bios written.
Check your name off when you've added your section
Please add yourself using the template at the top of the newly added file.
I will be responsible for ensuring all teammates have added their sections. I may merge before everyone has done so, and I'll follow up with other teammates to ensure they add their section.
(GitHub is partially down right now, so I can't autocomplete everyone's usernames, but I'll add the full list later.)
@sqs -
@beyang -
@christinaforney -
@nicksnyder -
@dadlerj -
@mercadon -
@slimsag -
@keegancsmith -
cdf -
@mrnugget -
@tsenart -
phu -
Eric F -
@unknwon -
@attfarhan -
@rvantonder -
@felixfbecker -
@eseliger -
@vanesa -
@ryan-blunden -
Ryan S -
@kzh -
@lguychard -
Eric B-M -
@uwedeportivo -
@ggilmore -
Julia G -
@chrismwendt -
@hadrian-git -
Aileen A -
Adam F