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document spending-company-money philosophy and allowable expenses

Warren Gifford requested to merge spending-company-money into master

Created by: sqs

A teammate just asked:

Q: over past few months I have been having to download a lot of data for random stuff (load tests for search perf, downloading lots of repos onto dev machine for testing, etc) and it's put me over my 1TB data cap with my ISP a few times which is just kinda a PITA -- I finally just bit the bullet and got an unlimited plan for $50/mo extra, but this got me thinking:

Do we currently have (or have we thought about having) some sort of reimbursement for remote folks internet plans? no biggie either way just curious

I replied:

Seems like we should have a good plan here. I will start a stub PR on the handbook and assign it to @mercadon and @dadlerj to take it from here. I see GitLab reimburses internet connection subscriptions (

At a minimum, use this PR to push a document to answer the teammate's question above. Feel free to write more, too, to answer other common questions and make us an aspirational team per our 2019Q4 OKR.

Also should answer the following questions:

Merge request reports
