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Reorder the campaign sprint planning to look at product board and One Big Thing first

Warren Gifford requested to merge mrn/reorder-sprint-planning into main

Created by: mrnugget

In yesterday's planning session we spent the majority of the time looking at all the tickets in our planning board, often discussing whether it's technically feasible, ready to implement, what an estimate would be, etc.

All the while we already knew roughly what the One Big Thing for each engineer could/should be, but that still needed discussion and input from product.

In the retrospective we then said that we should probably get an overview of what the big things we need or want to do are, before we dive into the nitty gritty of tickets.

This PR now reorders the planning algorithm to follow this structure:

  1. Verify old sprint is done/move old stuff over
  2. Get the bigger picture: what does product want, what do the engineers want to work on for their one big thing
  3. Then look at the other things we need to work on that are in our planning board
  4. Prioritize and verify that we're not overloaded, possible reorder

Merge request reports
