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batches: ensure .gitconfig email is properly inserted in batch spec

Erik Seliger requested to merge bo/fetch-global-git-email-plain-text into main

Created by: BolajiOlajide

In src-cli, we use the html/template library to substitute values, however, characters like + gets converted to it's unicode equivalent &043;

Before CleanShot 2022-06-08 at 12 03 09@2x

After CleanShot 2022-06-08 at 11 57 31@2x

Test plan

  • Enable email privacy on your Github account. CleanShot 2022-06-08 at 11 40 23@2x
  • Set your github-private email address in your global config with the command
git config --global add <private_email_address>
  • Create a batch spec with the command src batch new -f batch.spec.yml
  • The email address should be inserted into the template as plain text instead of unicode.

Merge request reports
