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codemirror: Migrate SiteAdminPingsPage to use CodeMirror

Warren Gifford requested to merge fkling/cm/migrate-siteadminpings into main

Created by: fkling

Migrating this Monaco callsite seems low risk because it is a read-only JSON view. The main Monaco feature used here appears to be code folding, which CodeMirror also provides.

Overall I've identified the following features/characteristics:

  • Read-only
  • Syntax highlighting for JSON
  • Code folding for JSON
  • Fixed editor height
  • Indentation guides

There is no "default" extension for indentation guides, so this feature was not migrated. However, if this is strongly desired it's possible to build a custom extension for that.

Since this it the first Monaco migration outside of Notebooks and the search query input I also added a couple of default extensions meant to be shared by other CodeMirror instances in the future. Specifically I added a syntax highlighting theme to use our existing colors and tried to approximate Monaco's theme.

Note: I'm deliberately using v0.20.0 of @codemirror/lang-json because using the latest version would require updating the other @codemirror/* packages. Those seem to cause some focus issue with our main search query input and the menu though.


After (note that the video was recorded before I applied the font styles, so the font (size) is a bit larger in the video):

Test plan

Manual inspection, including light/dark mode toggle.

App preview:

Check out the client app preview documentation to learn more.

Merge request reports
