Run Campaigns user tests with Sourcegraph colleagues
Created by: mrnugget
Here is the list of everybody who raised their hand in the Company meeting when we asked for volunteers:
- Quinn
- Tomás
- Asdine
- Ryan Blunden
- Nick
- Aileen
- Beyang
- Garo
We send a script to each of them:
Hey <firstname>!
We're happy to hear that you want to help us with testing and polishing Campaigns!
Here's what you need to do:
1. Setup your Sourcegraph instance to have one code host configuration syncing the sourcegraph-testing GitHub org (
2. Create a campaign that does the following in at least 5 repositories:
a. Run Comby ( to replace `fmt.Sprintf("%d", :[v])` with `strconv.Itoa(:[v])` in Go files (`*.go`)
b. Run `go fmt ./...` in the repository
3. Write up everything you're bumping into, document whenever you get stuck. Ideally you include screenshots. (Take a look at Joe's report for inspiration:
4. Send us your report! Done!
Here's what you need to get started:
Now, we won't give you more detailed steps yet, the idea behind this testing is that you use the documentation to find answers. Where the docs are lacking, we need to fix them.
But as a little tip, this page here should help run your campaign, once you've read the rest of the docs:
Have fun!
Make sure that the example campaign generates enough diffs in the sourcegraph-testing
organization (@mrnugget) -
Send script to, assist in case questions come up, collect feedback and turn into tickets: -
Quinn (Status: Script sent.) -
Tomás (Status: Script sent.) -
Asdine (Status: Feedback received.) -
Ryan Blunden (Status: Script sent.) -
Nick (Status: Script sent.) -
Aileen (Status: Script sent.) -
Beyang (Status: Feedback received. Feedback incorporated in multiple fixes to docs.) -
Garo (Status: Feedback received.)
this is great, you should push that to production right away, I can’t wait to use on my own stuff and share it to my friends and to give you even more feedbacks
SPOILER ALERT! CHEAT CODE DETECTED! The following is a complete action definition that would produce the correct diffs:
"scopeQuery": "lang:go fmt.Sprintf(\"%d\", fork:yes -repo:sourcegraph-testing/go",
"steps": [
"type": "docker",
"image": "comby/comby",
"args": [ "-in-place", "fmt.Sprintf(\"%d\", :[v])", "strconv.Itoa(:[v])", ".go", "-matcher", ".go", "-d", "/work", "-exclude-dir", ".,vendor" ]
"type": "docker",
"image": "golang:1.14-alpine",
"args": ["sh", "-c", "cd /work && go fmt ./..."]