Cross-repo LSIF: read hover message from externally imported symbols
Created by: olafurpg
Feature request description
Currently, Sourcegraph displays a "partial semantic" label for hover messages when
- the call-site has LSIF, but no hover message for externally imported symbols
- the definition-site has LSIF, including hover messages for exported symbols (which are imported from call-site)
The "partial semantic" label is used because Sourcegraph falls back to search-based hover messages when they're missing in the call-site LSIF dump. It would be nice if Sourcegraph would try to use the hover message from the definition-site LSIF dump before falling back so search-based intel.
Describe alternatives you've considered.
One alternative is to extend the LSIF indexer to emit hover messages for externally imported symbols. However, this would require non-trivial development effort to implement.