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search: add commitsince filter

Administrator requested to merge kz/search-repohascommitsince-filter into master

Created by: kzh

This PR closes #4135. It adds in support for the commitsince filter which allows users to exclude stale repositories (no commit since) past a specified date.

Usage: error commitsince:"1 day ago"

Some thoughts:

  • Could we reuse the keyword after (from commit search) instead of repohascommitsince for simplicity? edit: actually, this might lead to ambiguity.
  • I think search suggestions are slowed down when the search contains repohascommitsince since it checks to see if the repositories are stale every time a character changes. Should we cache the fresh repositories somewhere so we don't have to do this every time? This could be detrimental to user experience. The local instance I'm testing on has 20 repositories (orgs: gorilla, repos: sourcegraph/sourcegraph + golang/go).

Merge request reports
