batches: handle colon in search query
Created by: BolajiOlajide
Closes #38737 (closed)
When a colon is included in a search query (example: context:global fork:yes repo:^github\.com/foo/bar$ file:package.json "@types/node": "..." patternType:structural
), creating a batch change from said query results in an error in the Configuration
page. This happens because the YAML parser assumes the colon is signifying a node.
An easy fix for this is to leverage multi-line
values in YAML so the parser understands that it's part of the current node.
I took the approach of checking if appending the search query to - repositoriesMatchingQuery
results in a valid YAML, if it doesn't then I make it a multi-line YAML.
Test plan
Tested with search query containing an extra colon
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