search: Missing results from dependencies search
Created by: tsenart
Dependencies search relies on unindexed searching, since it would be too much for Zoekt to index every single revision of a dependency and package repos are generally smaller that normal repos.
After deploy Go dependency repos to production, I tried to search for a a method I knew existed in one of our dependencies.
While that produced no results, I scoped down the query to only dependency repos that matched "json", because I knew the repo that should have a match would be included in that smaller set.
After reproducing locally, I tracked this down to zoekt.PartitionRepos in here.
It seems that for each page of resolved repos, we're limiting the number of unindexed searches to 200, which is a problem for dependencies search.
Would it be problem to increase this number to the page size of the repo pager so we never miss any results?